
Watch me in 2008 fall off rocks, snag and lose lures that are a day's pay, catch the flu and land the occasional fish. I love to fish..always have. When I am near any body of water I cant help myself, I stare at the shallows for cruisers, look at the water color, check the waves for the certain break signaling a hole, fresh or salt it's all good. I by no means claim to be an expert..far from it... but I do have that constant nagging feel any time I am around water. Show me a mud brown waterfall and I think "humm maybe the cat's are hiding in undercuts in the banks" or a stormy beach with blown out waves and strong winds and I wonder how I can capitalize on the situation ... Off I go now in search of the next catch, I will post soon...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

trout and the fishy waddles

A throwback title to a teenage time when fishing Knights Ferry below the Sonora foothills was all that mattered and discussing Monty Python with my buddy Jeremy was THE conversation.
Sitting on boulders watching the eddyies in the river swirl as we waited for the trout to take the red eggs presented on our lines provided ample time for silly conversation. Trout and the Fishy Waddles was to be our band (would have helped if we were musical) but truth be told it wasn't to be about the music, it was about an idea that would have been epic with marionettes and a local cable access show, but as is with most pipe dreams they float away in the ethereal essence of silly ideas and quick passing passions...

Ok I'll shut up now...a liscense to blog should not be a permit to blather....I apologize!! Damn it

Last week thursday was Trout truck day at DVL, regardless conditions were just tough enough to make it interesting and My buddy Joe and I fished sunup to twighlight. I brought home 3 stockers around 1 1/2 ea. My son and I enjoyed them cooked with butter and lemon served over rice with almonds....Delicious ending to a delicious day... And I am still getting my Kayak..[smiling now].

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